IBA Arbitration Day 2023 Week - Overview

Events 11 April 2023

On the occasion of the IBA Arbitration Day, Lisbon will host several events related to arbitration.
In this publication you can find the details of the main activities that will mark the week's agenda.

April 12th:
APA Portuguese Arbitration Association / CBAr / CAC-CCIP / CAM-CCBC: '10.a Jornada Luso-Brasileira de Arbitragem'
Themes included: 'The Disclosure of Data by the Arbitral Chambers' and 'The Publication of Arbitral Awards'.
Speakers: Jose Emilio Nunes Pinto, Nuno Ferreira Lousa, Sílvia Pachikoski, António Pinto Leite, Rita Lynce de Faria and João Bosco Lee.
Venue: Noble Room of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Schedule: 17:00-19:00 (panels); 19:00 onwards (cocktails)
Program and registration here.

April 13th:
IBA Arb40 Symposium
Topics included: 'When investment and commercial arbitration collide' and 'Wishful thinking or true possibilities: enforcement of awards against sovereign and environmental concerns'.
Speakers: Agnès Bizard, Mariana França Gouveia, Emilio Bettoni, Miguel de Almada, María Angélica Burgos, Sofía de Sampaio Jalles, Alipak Banerjee, Isabela Lacreta, Timothy Mayer, Gabriele Ruscalla, Isabel San Martin, Michaël Schlesinger, Filipe Vaz Pinto, Juan Felipe Merizalde
Venue: Cuatrecasas Lisboa
Schedule: 09:00-12:40 (panels); 12:40-14:00 (networking lunch)
Program and registration here.

April 13th:
Delos Dispute Resolution 'De Damnis"
Theme: Damages
Speakers: Roula Harfouche, Reza Mohtashami KC, James Nicholson, Hafez Virjee, Mark W. Friedman, Sofia Martins, Graham Coop, David Walker, Penny Madden KC, Chris Osborne, Noah Rubins KC, Colin Johnson, Pacôme Ziegler
Venue: Suspended
Time: 10:00-12:45 (panels); 12:45-14:30 (lunch)
Program and registration here.

April 13th:
ICC Arbitration in collaboration with ICC Portugal - International Chamber of Commerce:
'Breaking Down Barriers: A Closer Look at Arbitration and ADR'
Speakers: Claudia Salomon, Alexander Fessas, Chiann Bao, Deva Villanua, ValeriaGalíndez, Filipe Vaz Pinto
Venue: Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall
Time: 14:00-16:00
Program and registration here.

April 13th:
APA Portuguese Arbitration Association with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Theme: 'The new ICSID Rules and Regulations 2022: presentation and Lisbon launch of the first article-to-article commentary"
Speakers: Patricia Galvão Teles (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Dário Moura Vicente (APA - Portuguese Arbitration Association), Gonzalo Flores (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)), Richard Happ (Complex Disputes), Stephan Wilske (Gleiss Lutz), Koh Swee Yen, S.C. (WongPartnership LLP), Lars Markert (Nishimura & Asahi) João Vilhena Valerio (APA - Portuguese Arbitration Association).
Venue: Queen's Library, Palácio das Necessidades, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Schedule: 16:00-17:45
Program and registration here.

April 13th:
Opening Reception of the 24th Annual IBA Arbitration Day (for registered participants)
Venue: Sud Lisboa
Time: 19:00-22:00

April 14th:
IBA Arbitration Day
General Theme: 'International arbitration in a divided world: a challenge to the system's legitimacy"
Topics included: 'The impact of third-party funding on investment arbitration', 'The implications of sanctions for international arbitration', 'Duty of disclosure: self-regulation vs statutory regulation', 'Dealing with corruption in international arbitration'.
'Keynote speech': 'The perils and promise of transparency'.
Speakers: Valeria Galíndez, Nigel Blackaby KC, Fernando Aguilar de Carvalho, Gonzalo Flores, Nilufar Houssain, Carmen Martinez Lopez, Hamid Gharavi, Sae Youn Kim, Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof, Dário Moura Vicente, Fernando Mantilla-Serrano, João Bosco Lee, Cecilia Carrara, Louis Flannery KC, Michael Martinez, Claudia Salomon, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Olivier Caprasse, José Ricardo Feris, Itweva Nogueira, Anke C Sessle, Xavier Favre-Bulle.
Venue: Lisbon Congress Center
Schedule: 09:00-18:00
Program and registration here

April 15th:
London Court of International Arbitration European Users' Council Symposium
Topics include two 'Tylney Hall' style discussions and a talk on the English Arbitration Act 1996.
Speakers: José María Pérez, Johanna Wirth, Utku Cosar, José Emilio Nunes Pinto, George Spalton KC, Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof.
Place: SUD LisboaTime: 09:30-13:00 (panels); 13:00-14:30 (lunch)
Program and registration here.

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