The Reform of Italian Arbitration Law

News 30 November 2021

See here  the article about The Reform of Italian Arbitration Law.

Outras Notícias de Interesse

Events 16 February 2022

The Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot is back for its IV edition!

The IV Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot organized by the Under-40 Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (APA-40) with the support of...
News 13 May 2021

Novo sítio Internet da APA

A Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem renovou o seu sítio Internet: Neste sítio Internet, os interessados enc...
Events 02 January 2023


No âmbito das sessões "Conversas com Árbitros" irá realizar-se no próximo dia 12 de janeiro, às 18:00 horas, no Centro de Arbitragem e Sol...
News 08 October 2023

V Intensive Course for Arbitrators

The 5th Intensive Course for Arbitrators was held in Lisbon on September 22 and 23, 2023. The initiative, co-organized by the Commercial...
Events 06 September 2022

"Arbitration in Portugal",

The seminar "Arbitration in Portugal", jointly organized by ALAM and APA, will take place on 13 October, online and at the Centenário de ...
News 02 February 2022

Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 27 January 2022 on the competence of state courts to support arbitral jurisdiction in the production of evidence.

See here the Judgement of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 27 January 2022 on the competence of state courts to support the arbitral...
News 13 May 2021

Equipa Portuguesa da Faculdade de em 2º lugar na Willem C. Vis Moot

A equipa da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Lisboa foi a 2ª equipa com a pontuação mais alta na argumentação oral geral da 28a ediç...
News 19 July 2024

APA supports the GAR Academy Investor-State Dispute Settlement course

We are delighted to be a supporting organisation of the GAR Academy Investor-State Dispute Settlement course. Uncover the complexities...
News 19 December 2022

"Lei de Arbitragem, Conciliação e Mediação de Moçambique - Comentada"

Foi publicado o livro "Lei de Arbitragem, Conciliação e Mediação de Moçambique - Comentada", da autoria de Guilherme Santos SIlva e outr...
News 06 December 2023

Call for papers - Revista Internacional de Arbitragem e Conciliação

The Revista Internacional de Arbitragem e Conciliação (International Journal of Arbitration and Conciliation), Portuguese Arbitration A...
News 28 March 2022

Judgment of the Guimarães Appeal Court of 24 February 2022

Judgment of the Guimarães Appeal Court of 24 February 2022 on the determination by arbitration of the value of compensation to owners of ...
News 27 May 2022


APA Arbitration Day 2022 took place on the 26th May at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where the international seminar on...
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