V Lisbon Pre-Moot

Events 09 March 2023

To all the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Community,
The V Edition of the Lisbon Pre-Moot is just around the corner!

This Edition comprises ten top tier teams: University of Graz; Nova School of Law; Universidade de Lisboa; University of Bielefield; University of Verona; University of Banja Luka; City University of London; University of Eastern Finland; Ukranian Catholic Univ.; University of Belgrade.
The V Lisbon Vis Pre moot is organized by the Under- 40 Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (“APA-40”) with the support of Portugal Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (“PT-VYAP”), the Board for the Future of the Commercial Arbitration Center (“CAC”) and the Portuguese Arbitration Moot Association (“PAMA”).
The Competition will be held in-person, between 16 and 17 March, at the offices of PLMJ, CMS, Uría Menéndez and Miranda in Lisbon, with some teams joining online.
The Pre-Moot will kick-off with a reception and opening conference at VdA’s offices in Lisbon with a lecture by Professor Marta Boura on 15 March. Once the competition is concluded and the results have been crunched, a prize for the winning team of € 1.000,00 will be awarded by Morais Leitão. The event will conclude with a closing ceremony at PLMJ’s offices and a cocktail hosted by Cuatrecasas.

 For more details on the V Edition of the Lisbon Pre-Moot see the programme


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