APA Prize 2022

News 11 March 2022

The Board of the Portuguese Arbitration Association received, within the stipulated deadline, two applications for the APA Award presented by the following teams:

29th Vis Moot FDUL Team.

Team Members: Gonçalo Alexandre Pacheco Vilela; Juliana Bocchi Trivoli; Madalena Maria Morais Sarmento Mendonça Dewerbe; Francisco Cardoso de Menezes de Azevedo Menezes; Luísa Marques Fernandes da Silva Agapito; e Gonçalo Maria Cardoso Maia.

Coordinator and Coaches: José João Montes Ferreira Gomes; António Maria de Oliveira Pestana Araújo; Carolina de Nagy Morais Nunes Correia; Catarina Sofia Barbosa de Carvalho Almeida Coelho; e Filipe Soares de Albergaria Rocha Vieira.

Nova Vis Moot Team

Team Members: Guilherme Miguel Cardoso de Pina Cabral; Maria Mafalda Pimenta da Gama Estácio; Paulo Emanuel Moreira Queirós; e Mafalda Vilhena Nunes Vila Nova.

Coordinator and Coaches: Ana Coimbra Trigo; Carolina Apolo Roque; e Ana Luísa Cândido Rendeiro de Sousa.

After reviewing these applications at the Board Meeting, it was decided to distribute the 1st component of the APA Award - a grant with a cash value of EUR 1,250.00 - equally between the two teams.

In accordance with the APA Prize Regulation, the 2nd component of the Prize will consist in the granting of an award, to the team that obtained the best score in the Vis Moot and that meets the conditions of Article 4 of the APA Prize Regulation, with a monetary value of EUR750.00. This award will be delivered in a ceremony integrated in the APA Arbitration Day, which will take place on 26 May 2022.

APA wishes the teams every success in the competition and hopes that this will be an enriching personal and academic experience.

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